Oh I wish I had a fun story to share with you today.
But my head!
My aching, throbbing head!
And what is with the constant noise?!
Seriously, so.
And today we had our annual fire/smoke alarm testing scheduled.
For the entire apartment building!
30 apartments with 2 alarms each.
All tested individually ← Awesome!
Thankfully my little lady seems to be feeling a little, ok a lot better.
The little lady is a few days ahead of me in this never ending nightmare cold/flu/sinus infection so hopefully, tomorrow I’ll be feeling back to my old self, well close to my old self, well hopefully a little less like I’ve just been punched in the face a hundred times.
Sinus infections are fun like that!
So, yay that she is feeling better at last but oh my word is she ever noisy!
Such a little chatter box.
Seriously girlfriend just will not stop talking.
It’s like she is physically incapable of not, not talking. Wait does that even make sense?
She simply can not be quiet. It’s just not possible. Sometimes we try to play that, “lets see who can go the longest without talking” game and girlfriend never last more than 15 seconds. Seriously that’s like a major record for her. Girlfriend can. not. stop. talking. Why is that? Oh wait, she’s only 4 bless her chatty little heart.
So . . . mama needed some sort of extra energy boost.
I went to grab a handful one of my healthy, 5 min, no bake espresso brownie bites but no, there were none! So I reached for one of my Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bites because I usually have a stash in the fridge of one or the other you know, in case of emergency.
But not today my friend. And today Mama needed an extra lil somethin’ somethin’
A lil somethin’ somethin’ special
A lil somethin’ somethin’ that would be easy to whip up
A lil somethin’ something’ to help drown out the noise of the screeching smoke alarms
A lil somethin’ somethin’ preferably containing some sort of chocolate
A lil somethin’ somethin’ that had a healthier twist because well . . . remember all the ice cream . . .
So, I decided to make that lil somethin’ somethin’ an all natural, intensely chocolate flavoured bite of energy boosting deliciousness studded with teeny tiny morsels of caramel.
Yep, totally went there and you know what, I am so glad I did because these babies are deeeeeelicious!
You want in?
Oh you know you do, 5 mins a handful of ingredients and you are ready to rock and roll and get your all natural, energy boosting eat on.
Because some days we all need a lil somethin’ somethin’ extra special right?
These Caramel Double Choc Chip Energy Bites totally hit the spot.
They go perfectly with a big ol’ glass of milk, or coffee, or tea to get you through your mid morning slump
They are perfect as part of your pre-workout power up
They are perfect as part of your post-workout refuel
They are the perfect little late afternoon pick me up with a nice up of tea
They are also the perfect little treat to satisfy those after dinner, late night sweet cravings we all know and love.
They are also simple to make, all natural and a healthier way to indulge in a little somethin’ slightly sweet and extra special.
I used almonds as the base because I love their neutral flavour. They add a good hit of protein and healthy fats which will help to keep you feeling fuller a little longer. The dates provide a naturally sweet base with a hint of caramel which is perfectly enhanced by the addition of just a sprinkling of roughly chopped caramel chips. Throw in a couple of Tablespoons of dark chocolate cocoa powder along with some roughly chopped dark chocolate chips you know for a double dose of antioxidants which we all need you know . . . to help ward of nasty cold/flu/sinus infections.
See if I had made these last week maybe we wouldn’t even be sick right now!
If you know what’s good for you, you’ll go make these Caramel Double Choc Chip Energy Bites already. Trust me, this is one cold/flu/sinus infection you want to avoid at. all. costs!
What are you waiting for? Go make these Caramel Double Choc Chip Energy Bites already, you deserve a lil somethin’ somethin’ extra special
Caramel Double Choc Chip Energy Bites
Makes approx 55 tiny but mighty caramelicious double choc chip energy bites of deliciousnessIngredients –
1 cup raw almonds
3/4 cup pitted dates, about 6 – I used medjool
2 Tablespoons of cocoa powder – I use Hershey’s Special Dark
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon of dark chocolate chips, roughly chopped
1 Tablespoon of caramel chips, roughly chopped
Method –
1 – Place almonds in your food processor/blender and pulse until nice and fine, but not turned to dust. You want there to still be a few bigger chunks to give the bites some nice texture.
2 – Add dates and pules until the mixture starts to come together to form a nice sticky “dough”.
3 – Add cocoa powder and vanilla extract then pulse until well combined.
4 – Lastly, add chocolate and caramel chips and pule until just combined.
5 – Using your hands, roll approx 1 Tbsp of mixture unto little rounds then transfer to your mouth an airtight container (or even just a ziplock bag) and store in the fridge or freezer until you’re ready to indulge in a lil somethin’ somethin’ extra special.
Enjoy xoxo
Question of the day –
they sound like yummy healthy snacks!
Oh Dina they really are, and you would never know how healthy they are by how good they taste
Love your energy bites! I really need to buy a food processor!!!
Tabitha you do, these would be very handy to have around with a new baby that’s for sure.
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