Last we we had ourselves a killer workout with my 30 minute booty burn so I figured this week we would give our upper body some love and work on toning up our arms, chest and back.
All about balance baby, what do you say? Are you in?
Of course you are 🙂
So here is what we’re gonna do, a fast but effective upper body blast!
We are going to do 8-10 reps of each exercise and repeat the entire sequence through 3 times for a total of 3 full sets with a 1 minute rest between each set.
Grab yourself a set of dumbbells or even some resistance bands, something appropriate for your upper body strength. Take your time, concentrate, focus and breathe through each and every exercise. Think quality not quantity here people. Make. It. Count!
8-10 reps, 3 sets followed by 1 minute rest. Got it?
Give each exercise everything you have then move to the next exercise as quickly as you can with little to no rest in-between (of course listen to your body if you feel like you need a second to grab a drink and catch you breath by all means do so but only if you really need it ok?) then we savour our 1 minute rest and kick it through for our total of 3 sets, got it?
Ok good. Let’s do it.
First we need to warm up for 5 minutes or so. Run on the spot, do jumping jacks, jump rope, dance around your living room, anything to get you warm then it’s time to get serious.
PS – I have included some links to a detailed breakdown/how to for each exercise at the bottom so if some of these exercises are new or unfamiliar I got you covered.
Now are we ready?
Ok good. No excuses baby, bring it –
Strong and fit baby!
As promised, here are some links from the good people over at Exercise Prescription for those are wanted the more detailed how-to’s for each exercise. Simply click on the exercise you want to know more about and it will open in a new wind for you OK –
Question of the day –
Do you prefer to workout in concentrated, upper/lower body split session or one killer full body session
You know that I’m loving this new series!! [Mine starts tomorrow! – great minds think a like!!]
So excited to join in your fit friday fun too girlfriend – Great minds baby, great minds 🙂