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A little insight into the week that was . . .

Surviving the rain in the most delicious way possible

One of “those days” & Mama needs an extra special treat. Clean eating brownie, yes please! – Quest Nutrition saves the day once again

Winner, winner chicken dinner

Early morning menu planning

Trying to be her happy sweet little self even though she is super sick (again . . . still)

Ice cold, extra thick, creamy, dreamy post workout cookies and cream deliciousness – just yes!

Can’t stop, won’t stop with the cookies and cream – The more I eat the more I love

Vanilla Spiked Greek Yoghurt Panna Cotta – dooooo it!

I will not get sick, I will not get sick, I will not get sick!

Lunch date

Ah-mazing salad is ah-maz-zing!!!!

Early morning workout time!

Current breakfast obsession

Heaven in a cup

Dark Chocolate Marbled {Wholewheat} Banana Bread – Just yes!

Procrastination at it’s finest – Step-ups = Death!

Because it never gets old. Ever.

15 min Lower Body HIIT – Feel the burn baby. Feel. The. Buuuurrrnnnnn

A sweet flower from my sweet girl ♥”A Fran-ja-panty for Mama love” ♥

Fun in the sun


Question of the day –

The best thing I ate/saw/did/made/heard/read this week was . . . annnnddddd go??

Feel free to follow along with my instalife you know, if you want 🙂
