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I hope you’re ready to work baby because this week, sweet invisible internet friend of mine we are having ourselves a hard and fast total body blast.

Quick but effective because sometimes a girl just needs to get in a have herself a killer workout am I right or am I right?

Oh I am soooooo right!

So here is what we are gonna do –  6-8 reps of each exercise and we will repeat the entire sequence through for a total of 3 sets taking a much needed 1 minute rest between each set. Sound good?

Now, because we are “only” aiming for 6-8 reps I want you to go heavy ok? As heavy as you can while still using good form. Quality not quantity is always the rule but don’t be afraid to challenge yourself ok? Chances are you are stronger than you think.

Take your time, concentrate, focus and breathe through each and every exercise. Make. It. Count!

Ok, go grab yourself a set of dumbbells or even some resistance bands, something appropriate for your strength but don’t be afraid to challenge yourself ok.

6-8 reps, 3 sets followed by 1 minute (well earned) rest. Got it?

Give each exercise everything you have then move to the next exercise as quickly as you can with little to no rest in-between (of course listen to your body if you feel like you need a second to grab a drink and catch you breath by all means do so but only if you really need it ok?) then we savour our 1 minute rest and kick it through for our total of 3 sets, got it?

Ok good. Let’s do it.

Hard and Fast Total Body Blast

First we need to warm up for 5 minutes or so. Run on the spot, do jumping jacks, jump rope, dance around your living room, anything to get you warm then it’s time to get serious.

PS – As always I have included some links to a detailed breakdown/how to for each exercise at the bottom so if some of these exercises are new or unfamiliar I got you covered.

Now are we ready?

Ok good. No excuses baby, bring it –

Hard and Fast Total Body Blast

Finish with a nice little cool down and stretch, maybe take a walk or something anything to help bring your heart rate down. Finish with a few of your fave stretches. Please don’t skip the stretch people, its like dessert for the body. You worked hard, you totally earned it.

Now go have yourself a killer day. Where ever you go, whatever you do –

Don't forget to be Awesome

↑ Because you totally are #justsayin