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Soft baked, choc fudge lava brookies for two (or just you)!

The perfect way to celebrate valentines, galentines, or just for those moments in life when you need, that’s right, I said NEED, a cookie or 2 but don’t want to bake, or can’t be trusted with ( ← we’ve all been there)  an entire batch of 12 – 24!

Soft, chewy, crispy on the edges, super, SUPER fudgy in the middle! THE PERFECT COOKIE (or should I say brookie?!) for any occasion or, simply just to help you crush those late night cookie cravings (please tell me I’m not the only one who has them pretty much every. single. night?!) but also, just because cookies/brookies are always a good idea! Am I right!? Oh, you know I am!

Just in case you’re not familiar with life-changing deliciousness that is the brookie  . . .  a brookie = soft-baked cookie meets suuuuuuper fudgy, rich chocolate brownie and yes, its just as incredible, if not more so, than you imagine. They even come complete with that signature, cosmic brownie crackle on top!!!!

This, right here, this single serve, super fudgy (secretly healthy), soft baked choc fudge lava brookie has taken my obsession with cookies, brownies and melty puddles of rich dark chocolate to a whollleeeee new level!

I mean the only thing better than a fresh from the oven, soft baked, ooey gooey brownie or choc chip cookie is a fresh from the oven, soft baked, ooey, gooey double choc fudge lava brookie! Who says you have to choose between brownies OR cookies?! I say lets have both!

You with me? of course you are, you’re cool like that!

Super simple, seriously delicious made with just a handful of ingredients that I bet you have on hand already and come together in one bowl, with one spoon, and can be ready to devour in a matter of minutes!

Annnndddd, they also happen to be secretly good for you!

Gluten Free – Dairy Free – Grain Free – Refined sugar free – Low Carb – Paleo – Keto – 100% Vegan friendly but most importantly they really are edible awesomeness personified and you need them in your life because, yum!

Also, primarily made with nut butter and a cheeky hit of espresso = totally acceptable for breakfast consumption + a big ol’ vat of coffee, of course.

Crispy on the edges, soft and chewy in the middle and literally oozing with rich, chocolaty awesomeness when you bite on!

Go, go, get em!

Click here for some step-by-step pics & to cook along with me ♥

Double Choc Fudge Lava Brookies for two

  • Cook Time: 6-8 mins
  • Persons: 1-2
  • Difficulty: Easy

  • Ingredients
  • 1/4 C almond flour
  • 1 tbsp cacao
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp monk fruit sweetener – or granulated sweetener of choice
  • 1/2 tsp instant espresso pwd) – opt but helps enhance the richness of the chocolate
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Dark choc (chips or chopped) measure with your heart
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • a BIG pinch of salt
  • 1 scp collagen – opt but great for an extra hit of protein + hair, skin, nails & gut health.
  1. Instructions
  2. Place all ingredients apart from the chopped chocolate into a small bowl and stir to combine
  3. Add chocolate and stir to combine.
  4. Pop the bowl into the freezer for 10 mins (or you can refrigerate for 30 mins up to 2-3 days).
    Note – if you prefer a thinner, flatter, crispier cookie, you can skip this step but I find freezing the dough for a few minutes helps the cookies hold their shape better through the cooking process and I personally LOVE my cookies on the thicker side #youdoyou
  5. When you’re ready to get your cookie on, remove the bowl from the freezer or fridge.
  6. Scoop and roll your cookies into desired shape and size and place them onto a lined baking tray.
  7. Bake @ 175’C / 350′ F for smaller cookies bake for 6-8 minutes – medium-sized cookies bake for 8- 10 minutes – large cookies bake for 10-12 minutes and if you’re making one monster size cookie bake for 12-15 minutes.
    NOTE – at this time they will still feel soft. DO NOT OVERBAKE YOUR COOKIES!!!! Sorry for yelling but this is very important! Once your cook time is up, remove them from the oven and set them aside for 3-5 minutes to cool and set.
    Trussssttttt me. I would never steer you wrong. Your trust and patience will pay off because now you’re cookies will have set and the edges will be crispy and the middle will be ooey, gooey and all kinds of wonderful.
  8. Enjoy xo


Question of the day –

Do you prefer crispy or soft-baked cookies?

Feel free to share recipes, or links to your fave recipes in the comments below or on the Facebook page and please for the love of all that is good in this world when you do make your life changing choc collagen lava brookies (or any of the recipes you find on this blog of mine) go ahead and snap a pic and share it either on the Facebook page, or tag me on twitter or Instagram. Sharing is caring remember.

Do it, do it You know you want to
